Thursday, April 14, 2011

Secret Beach Jukebox

Sorry to've been so derelict in my Secret Beach duties--fact is, I've kind of been whoring around, blogwise. My friend and neighbor Robert Cole Manis, who runs Moniker Records, asked me to start a music blog to help juice up the Moniker website and the idea struck my fancy--I've always wanted to be a music writer. It's a bit much, expecting anyone to follow me around from one blog to another, but if you do want to check it out my first post is pretty epic, a sort of multimedia scene report from San Francisco c. 2003, featuring lost legends like Hickey, Shotwell and Full Moon Partisans. I'm not abandoning Secret Beach by any means--matter of fact, I'm calling the new jam Secret Beach Jukebox, so let's just say I'm diversifying the brand. Anyway, feel free to check it out--and consider picking up some Moniker vinyl along the way.

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